dedication and organization
opening words
the program
literature of the lecturers
contact press releases
1st World Congress on Matriarchal Studies
Luxembourg 2003
Selected Papers
Center for the Study of the Gift Economy
International Academy Hagia
The Congress
- The purpose of this World Congress is to initiate and encourage a multi-cultural scientific discussion, networking, and collaboration between scholars occupied with non-ideological research on what can be described as matriarchal societies. While "matrilineal" and "matrifocal" are clearly defined anthropological terms, the significance of "matriarchal" as a specific cultural concept will be explored.
- This knowledge, brought to light by the scientific study of "matriarchal cultures", is not commonly known or accessible. The World Congress will provide a major forum for exploring the existence of such balanced and peaceful societies, in which domination is unknown.
- A major intention of the Congress is to foster a world-wide awareness and appreciation of the many marginalized and threatened ethnic groups that have preserved matriarchal patterns to this present day.
- Women have always been creators of culture although this great history is often invisible. The Congress celebrates women's multi-dimensional contributions to culture ñ past, present and future.
- The relevance of this research will be emphasised in order to generate concrete alternatives and practical solutions, promoting the creation of peaceful societies in which women are considered equal citizens and their cultural contributions are encouraged and respected.
Patterns of matriarchal societies
- The social order of matriarchal societies is based on intelligent principles cultivated over thousands of years of human experience. These are well-balanced and peaceful societies that practice reciprocal equality in which every individual, regardless of sex/gender and age, is treated with respect.
- Furthermore, this is a non-violent social order in which all living creatures are respected, without the exploitation of humans, animals or nature.
Matriarchal Studies
- During the last twenty years, a theory and methodology has been practised, which has been called "Modern Matriarchal Studies". This new social science explores historical as well as contemporary societies that exhibit features defined as "matriarchal".
- This methodology of Modern Matriarchal Studies uncovers matriarchal cultural roots and recognises the role of women in the development of human societies. In this way, it creates a new paradigm of research and cultural development.
The researchers
- The
topics, which are the focus of interest in matriarchal research, are
explored by women scientists from all over the world. This has been done
both inside and outside of official institutions.
- These scientists have
done research in Africa, Asia, America, and Europe, with the result that
the contents of their research are international and worldwide.
- For the
second time, renowned scholars and indigenous speakers from different
European nations, North and South America, China, India, Africa will meet
at the 2nd World Congress on Matriarchal Studies.