

dedication and organization

opening words


the program

literature of the lecturers






press releases

1st World Congress on Matriarchal Studies
Luxembourg 2003
Selected Papers


Center for the Study of the Gift Economy

International Academy Hagia

Literature of the Lecturers
(in sequence of lectures presented)

Heide Goettner-Abendroth
- Matriarchy I. History of its Discovery, in German: Verlag Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1988, 1995
- Matriarchy II,1. Societies in Eastern Asia, Indonesia, Oceania, in German: Kohlh. Stuttgart 1999
- Matriarchy II,2. Societies in America, India, Africa, in German: Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2000
- Matriarchy in Southwestern China. A Research Travel to the Mosuo, in German: Stuttgart 1998
- The Goddess and her Heros. Matriarchal Mythology, Stow, Mass.: Anthony Publ. Comp. 1995
- The Dancing Goddess. Principles of a Matriarchal Aestetic, Beacon Press, Boston 1991
More books and articles see at: www.goettner-abendroth.de

Claudia von Werlhof
- Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika/Faraclas, Nicholas/von Werlhof, Claudia (editors): There is an Alternative. Subsistence and Worldwide Resistance to Corporate Globalization, London (zed) 2001
- Wallerstein, Immanuel (edtitor) , The Modern World System in the Longue, Durée, Boulder/London (Paradigm Publ.) 2004
- Midnight Notes: Auroras of the Zapatistas. Local and Global Struggles of the Fourth World War, Brooklyn, NY (Autonomedia) 2001
- Mies, Maria/ Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika/von Werlhof, Claudia: Women, the Last Colony, New Delhi (Kali for Women)/ London (zed) 1988

Genevieve Vaughan
- For-Giving. A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, Plain View Press, Austin, Texas 1997, reprinted: Anomaly Press, Austin, Texas 2000
- Editor: The Gift. A Feminist Analysis, Athanor Nr. 8, 2004, Meltemi, Roma 2004
- Mother Nature's Children, Anomaly Press, Austin, Texas 2001
- Los Niños de la Madre Naturaleza, Anomaly Press, Austin, Texas 2001
- Songs for the Tree of Life, CD, Austin, Texas

Barbara Mann
- George Washington's War on Native America (Praeger, 2005)
- Iroquoian Women: The Gantowisas (Peter Lang, 2000, 2004)
- Native Americans, Archaeologists, and the Mounds (Peter Lang, 2003)

Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen
- Juchitàn Stadt der Frauen. Vom Leben im Matriarchat (Reinbek bei Hamburg 1994)
- Eine Kuh für Hillary. Die Subsistenzperspektive (München: Bennholdt-Thomsen/Mies 1997)
- Frauenwirtschaft Juchitàn - Mexikos Stadt der Frauen, München: Bennholdt- Th. / Müser / Suhan 2000

Antje Olowaili
Sister of the Sun ñ One year in Kuna Yala was published by the Ulrike Helmer Verlag in Königstein/Taunus, in German language only.

Uschi Madeisky
- Societies in Balance.Documentary about the first World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, Verlag Ur-kult-ur, Frankfurt 2004.
- Daughters of the Seven Huts. Documentary about the Khasi, Verlag Tomult, Frankfurt 1997
- The Nightly Guest. Documentary about the Jaintia, Verlag Tomult, Frankfurt 1999
- Trommeln der Liebe. Documentary about the Garo, Verlag Tomult, Frankfurt 2001

Hélène Claudot-Hawad
- "Femme Idéale et Femme Sociale chez les Touaregs d l'Ahaggar", in: Production pastorale et société, Nr. 14, Paris 1984
- "Femmes Touaregues et Pouvoir Politique", in: Peuples Méditerranées Nr. 48/49, 1989
- Touaregs. Voix solitaires sous l'Horizon confisqué (Paris 1996)
- "Eperonner le monde". Nomadisme, cosmos et politique chez les Touaregs (Aix-en-Prov. 2001)

Fatimata welet Halatine
"L'Abandon des Privilèges. Parcours d'une Femme Touarègue dans la Modernité" (Interview), in : Les Nouvelles de Survival,Nr. 22, spring 1996

Malika Grasshoff (Makilam)
- La Magie des femmes kabyles et l'unité de la société traditionnelle, L'Harmattan, Paris 1996 (deutsch LIT Verlag, Münster 2001).
- Signes et rituels magiques des femmes kabyles, Edisud, Aix-en- Provence 1999, (deutsch LIT Verlag, Münster 2003).
Both books are translated lately also into English in 2005 und can be ordered at: www.makilam.com

Wilhelmina J. Donkoh
- Baafour Osei Akoto: A Bographical Sketch, Kumasi, 2000.
- Osei Tutu Kwame Asibe Bonsu (The Just King), Accra: Woeli publishers, 2000.

Peggy Reeves Sanday
- Female Power and Male Dominance. On the Origins of Sexual Inequality, Cambridge UP 1981
- Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood, and Privilege on Campus. New York: NYU Press
- Women at the Center. Life in a Modern Matriarchy, Ithaca, New York: Cornell UP 2002

Lamu Ga tusa
Monograph: Walk into the Women's Kingdom, Lugu Lake. Mother Lake, Mosuo Women, Mosuo Daba Culture. Ethnological film: Stories of the Women's Kingdom. Actual Events Report of Shangrila (Yunnan Academy, Kun ming, China, in Chinese)

Marija Gimbutas/Joan Marler
- Gimbutas: The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, London: Thames & Hudson 1974,1989
- The Language of the Goddess, San Francisco:Harper & Row 1989; in German: Frankfurt 1995
- The Civilization of the Goddess, San Francisco: Harper 1991; in German: Frankfurt 1996
- The Living Goddesses, Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press 1999
- Marler (editor): From the Realm of the Ancestors, Manchester, Conn. 1997

Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum
- Dark Mother. African Origins and Godmothers, iUniverse 2004
- Black Madonnas. Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy, iUniverse 2000
- Editor, She is Everywhere. An Anthology in Womanist Feminist Spirituality, iUniverse 2005

Vicki Noble
- Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess
- Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World
- The Double Goddess: Women Sharing Power

Marguerite Rigoglioso
- "Persephone's Sacred Lake and the Ancient Female Mystery Religion in the Womb of Sicily," in: Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, vol. 21, no. 2, Fall 2005.
- "Stregoneria: The Old Religion in Italy," in She Is Everywhere: Anthology of the Dark Mother, Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, ed. (iUniverse 2005).
- The "Other" Eleusis: Mysticism and Misogyny in the Navel of Sicily, awaiting publication.
- "The Oldest Labyrinth in the World? Paintings of the Polyphemus Cave," in Caerdroia 1998

Annette Kuhn
- Frauen in der Geschichte. Quellen-Reihe Geschichtsdidaktik, Düsseldorf: Verlag Schwann
- Kuhn (editor): Die Chronik der Frauen, Dortmund 1992
- Ich trage einen goldenen Stern. Ein Frauenleben in Deutschland, Aufbau Verl. Berlin 2003

Kurt Derungs
- Derungs/Göttner-Abendroth (editors): Matriarchate als herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaften, Edition Amalia, Bern, 1997
- Landschaften der Göttin. Avebury, Silbury, Lenzburg, Edition Amalia, Bern 2000
- The authors (editors): Die Diskriminierung der Matriarchatsforschung. The Discrimination against Modern Matriarchal Studies, Edition Amalia, Bern 2003, in German, awaiting translation into English (with contributions of Joan Marler and Charlene Spretnak) Früh/Derungs (eds.): Die Schwarze Frau. Kraft und Mythos der Schwarzen Madonna. Unionsverlag, Zürich 2003

Kaarina Kailo
- Editor: The Gift Gaze. Wo/men and Bears ñ Transgressing Gender, Nature and Species, Inanna Press, Toronto, Canada 2005.
- "The Unbearable Gaze between Women and Bears - Arcaic Bear Ceremonials Revisited." In: Kailo (ed.): The Gift Gaze. Wo/men and Bears. Transgressing Back into Nature as Culture. Inanna Press, York University, Toronto
- Kailo/Elina (eds.): No Beginning, No End - The Sami (Lapps) Speak Up. Alberta: Canadian Circumpolar Institute 1998.
- "Monoculture, Gender and Nationalism: Kalevala as a Tool of Acculturation." In: Ethical Challenges for Teacher Education and Teaching. Special Focus on Gender and Multicultural Issues. Acta Univ. Oulu 2000, Eds. Rauni R”s”nen and Vappu Sunnari. E45. 13-37.

Christa Mulack
- Im Anfang war die Weisheit. Die Wiederentdeckung eins weiblichen Gottesbildes Edition fabrica libriae, Schalksmühle 2004
- Natürlich weiblich. Die Heimatlosigkeit der Frau im Patriarchat Verlag Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2004
- Maria. Die geheime Göttin im Christentum, Verlag Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2005
- Religion ist zu wichtig, um sie den M”nnern zu überlassen. Die Göttin kehrt zurück Kreuz Verlag Stuttgart 1998

Max Dashu
Slide series about the topics: Women's Power; Icons of the Matrix; Female Rebels and Mavericks; Woman Shaman, and scores of in-depth regional surveys of women's history, from the oldest archaeological finds up to the present. The Suppressed Histories Slide Series catalog is online, along with articles and excerpts from The Secret History of the Witches, at www.suppressedhistories.net

Lydia Ruyle
- Goddess Icons Spirit Banners of the Divine Feminine, Boulder, CO: Woven Word Press, 2002
- Turkey Goddess Icons Spirit Banners of the Divine Feminine, Istanbul, Hitit Publications, 2005
